Thursday, August 18, 2011

2011 - Spring and Summer

Pete finally got his brown bear back! It took up most of the upstairs rail!

Claire and Mariah enjoy one last camping trip to Hidden Lake before school starts.

Our church Elder Leadership families took an 2nd annual camping trip. Karl and Ian having fun sharing transportation.

Karl's new Thor - Viking look.

Kirsten and Mariah went to Sitka fine arts camp for two weeks in July and studied music and dance. Kirsten had fun visiting her old stomping grounds from Kindergarten.

4th of July in Sitka.

Downtown Sitka.

I got to chaperon the 8 Homer High school students who traveled to D.C. for National Honor Choir. What a great time of sight-seeing, singing, and finally performing for a full crowd at the Kennedy Center.

View of our front lawn! Sandhill cranes.

Church Family Camp was great fun. The girls hung out with Kerby.

John, Daniel and Lenore played camp songs around the campfire.

One very confused goose!

Grandpa and Grandma Swanson came to AK for a visit and we took them to Engineer Lake. We paddled our way in. Claire brought Kayla along for the adventure.

Grandpa and Kayla take off for a paddle.

We also took Grandpa and Grandma clamming at Ninilchik. We had such success that we ended up having a big pot of homemade clam chowder.

After sending the girls to Sitka from D.C. I took a few extra days and visited my dear friend Theresa in North Carolina. She took me to the Atlantic Ocean where it was too hot to even lay in the sun. Yikes.

We had Thai dinner at Nag's Head on the Outer Banks.

The amazing Kennedy Center performance.

The girls posed outside Ford's Museum where President Lincoln was shot.

Kirsten and Alain spent a week in Wasilla at Girl's State. They learned how to run government operations and Kirsten ended up the Speaker of the House.

Claire attended a Christian leadership camp for kids in Soldtna, then on to Naknek (a bush community in AK) with the Vantreases to help with their lodge and then to Camp Tanilian for fun in Port Alsworth. While all the kids were gone (Karl was fishing in Bristol Bay), Pete and I took a quiet couple of days at Dolly Varden Lake. We paddled in. The highlight was having a 5.2 earthquake and being 2 miles from the epicenter. The whole lake bubbled up with released gasses.

Karl and crew getting ready to set out fishing Bristol Bay.

Kirsten in the Alaskan Pacific.

We got a new Subaru (new to us anyway) for the Swanson fleet. Looks pretty good with the canoe on top.

The Kindergarten class loves Mr. Swanson...the last day of school.

Kirsten and Alaine were Jr. Marshalls for Graduation.

Karl was pretty happy to be leaving UAF for the summer! Now he is heading back this Sunday.

Traven and Kirsten (prom date) are now Student body President and V.P.

Even the parents got invited to prom dinner.

Mariah, Claire and Rachel are ready for the spring concert.

My first ever new car. I love it! It starts every day and even starts remotely from my classroom when it is -20 degrees outside. Whooeeee!

Easter Sunday at our new building. We made it stage friendly so the community could use the building for events.

The new coffee bar in the foyer at church. This project is done after several decades and 5 months of meeting in the gym for church. Yeah!

We hoped you enjoyed this Swanson Snapshot! Love to all of you.