Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our Kids at Youth Group Events

And of course, what would snow camp be without a couple of good snow machining jumps. Karl LOVES riding and jumping his machine.
Kirsten is participating in the grape toss....hope nobody chokes!

Karl is 'encouraging' Morgan to ride snow machines! Morgan is not convinced. (Morgan is one of our dog Kate's, puppies - 2 years old now.)

Kirsten and Briana hoarsing around at snow camp.

The Youth went out to Caribou Lake on Snow Machines and had a great time. Even playing egg toss in the snow. Karl is in the blue and white coat and Kirsten in the brown.

Youth Group Painting the Youth Room, (and themselves!)

1 comment:

  1. Snow Camp! C-O-L-D! I mean COOL!

    I received your blog from my friend Melissa Humphreys who is your cousin 2 removed by something....I think....anyway just wanted to check out your blog. It is Great! and with Great pictures too. Snow Camp looks fun even if it spring in the Carolina's
