Thursday, July 11, 2013

Spring in Alaska

Spring in Alaska still means snow!  We were blessed to have Robert and Shelley Miller's family (our cousins) come to Alaska for spring break!
 We visited the Ninilchick Russian Orthodox church.

 Claire, Logan and Sig en route.
 The cousins!
The Miller family at the lookout point.

 Claire and Logan
Karl and Logan
Fresh snow.  Perfect for riding.

 We spent many hours riding snow machines all over Caribou Hills AND many gallons of fuel!  We are so thankful that our cousins came to Alaska!
 An overnight at the Snomad Palace..snow machine in only.
 A welcomed dinner at Fat Olives in Homer.  Time to relax and eat pizza.
 Family cross-country skiing at McNeil trails.
 Pete and Lenore enjoying the ski trails at McNeil.

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